




2023学年第一学期考试情况分享 感谢 @SeeSeen


第二部分10选词填空,分别是 style , theme , foreshadowing , conflict , setting 等等这种,比较简单;

1、Is the house a haunted house?(The Rocking-Horse Winner)
2、Please comment on her writing?(The Garden Party)
3、Do you think the story is still meaning nowadays?(Lottery)


The writer, the narrator and the reader 作者、叙述者与读者

A Piece of Yellow Soap


  1. What sex is the narrator?
  2. What age-group would you put the narrator in?
  3. What is the narrator’s occupation?
  4. From the information provided, what do you think the narrator believes in?
  5. Come up with three adjectives to describe the kind of person the narrator is.
  6. What kind of narration in the novel?
  7. Does soap really have such power?
  8. What does soap symbolise?


1. Male.

2. Middle-age people.

3. Milkman.

4. Maybe she believes in Christianism. "not sure that I believe in Heaven or God myself."

5. Naive anxious, Worried, Confused

6. This is a first-person narrative.

7. No. Soap does not have the power, it was this woman's strength, self-reliance and her behavior in the face of the milkman that gave him a huge shock, making him dare not face this woman,and then he transfered this emotion to this soap, making it feel that soap had great power.The power of soap is the power of compassion, evoked by the hard lives of the people at the bottom.

8. Soap -> A symbol of poverty and despair.

The Washwoman


《洗衣女工》是根据真实故事改编的,由艾萨克·巴舍维斯·辛格(Isaac Bashevis Singer)撰写,对一个小男孩和一个年迈的洗衣妇之间的关系的辛酸描述。

这个故事突出了 20 世纪初美国工人阶级,特别是妇女所面临的斗争和艰辛。 这个故事是根据辛格自己在纽约市一个犹太移民家庭长大的经历以及他对为家人工作的洗衣女工的回忆。

  1. Describe the kind of person the washwoman is.
  2. Describe the author's attitude towards the washwoman.
  3. Who is the narrator?
  4. What is the theme of novel?
  5. 在小说结尾,作者沉思着说,她的灵魂进入了所有圣灵相遇的领域,无论他们在地球上扮演什幺角色。你认为作者的母亲会同意他的观点吗?用文章中的例子来支持你的回答。
  6. 在小说结尾中,她过着她的生活,做她的工作没有怨恨。用怨恨这个词的含义来解释这个说法。

  7. 在这篇小说中,洗衣女工面临哪些困难?她如何应对这些挑战?

  8. 作者如何描述洗衣女郎?为什幺描述对叙事很重要?
  9. 在文章中间,作者的母亲说,洗衣女的儿子对自己的母亲不忠,对所有母亲都是侮辱。儿子对母亲不忠吗?用例子来解释你的观点。


1. Kindly, honest and dependable.

2. the narrator admire her sense of duty and pride in her work.

3. The author of the story - Isaac Singer - is the narrator.

4. The story touches on the themes of guilt, regret, and the passage of time.


   He feels guilty for not fully appreciating her while she was alive and regrets that he did not do more to help her. This sense of regret underscores one of the central themes of the story: the importance of valuing human connections and not taking people for granted.

5. Rancor means bitterness or resentment. The statement that the washwoman lives her life and does her work without rancor means that she does not hold any bitterness or resentment towards her circumstances, despite the hardships she faces. She accepts her lot in life and makes the best of it, without allowing negative emotions to consume her.

6. It is difficult to say whether the author's mother would agree with him that the washwoman's soul passed into holy spheres. However, earlier in the essay, she does express admiration and respect for the washwoman's hard work and resilience. Therefore, it is possible that she too would believe in the washwoman's inherent goodness and spirituality.

The Rocking-Horse Winner

"D.H. 劳伦斯的短篇小说《摇马赢家》讲述了一个名叫保罗的小男孩决心为家人带来好运的故事。尽管保罗生活在一个看似舒适的家庭中,但他的家庭一直在经济不安全的情况下挣扎,而这一切都源于他母亲对财富和地位的贪得无厌。她认为他们的不幸源于缺乏运气,尤其是保罗的父亲。




Symbol 象征

Old Man at the Bridge


  1. What do all the animals in the novel symbolise?
  2. What writing style of Hemingway's does this novel reflect?


1. "Goat" -> The animals who can't escape. Sacrificial animals. Scape goats who are innocent victims.
   "Cat" -> Ominousness and fear in people's hearts.
   "Dove" -> The peace that people are committed to and eternally pursuing, which in this context is ironic. The doves will fly away.

2. 冰山理论 Iceberg Theory
   Abandon the view of the war and only describe the dialogue between the narrator and the old man.

The Bridge is a final Bridge between life and death.

海明威的冰山理论 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceberg_theory

Tone 作者的态度

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse


穆拉德的疯狂行为被认为是他们的叔叔霍斯罗夫的自然后裔,尽管他的父亲佐拉布是一个务实的人。 科斯罗夫叔叔是一个大个子,总是愤怒、不耐烦、易怒。他会咆哮着让每个人都停止说话,并说这没有伤害,不要注意它。事实上,有一天,当他的儿子来告诉他们他们的房子着火了时,科斯罗夫吼道:“够了。这无妨”。


骑了一会儿,穆拉德想一个人骑马。亚兰姆也有同样的渴望,但当他坐在马上踢肌肉时,它抬起头来,哼哼唧唧地向前跑去,最终把亚兰从背上摔了下来。半小时后,他们找到了这匹马,把它藏在一个名叫 Fetvajian 的农民的废弃葡萄园的谷仓里,这曾经是他的骄傲。

那天下午,一位名叫约翰·拜罗(John Byro)的亚述农民——加罗格拉尼亚人的亚述朋友——来到亚兰的家。他向阿兰姆的母亲报告说,他一个月前被盗的白马仍然不见了。听到这句话,亚兰得出结论,穆拉德一定有这匹马很久了。拜罗来的时候,正在阿兰姆家的科斯罗夫大喊“没有坏处”,以至于拜罗被迫离开以避免回应。


Modernisim 现代

The Screat Life of Walter Mitty







Style 风格

Araby 意识流




Details 细节

The Open Window



"self-possessed 女孩

Character and characterization


妻子背叛 , 凯兰达没有说出真相

  1. Mr. Max Kelada: Mr. Kelada is the central character in "Mr. Know-All." He is portrayed as a gregarious, talkative, and confident man who is proud of his accomplishments. He is also shown to be a bit of a show-off, often bragging about his knowledge and experiences. He is a skilled storyteller and enjoys being the center of attention. However, his arrogance and tendency to exaggerate his stories often rub other people the wrong way.

  2. Mrs. Ramsay: Mrs. Ramsay is the wife of the narrator and is depicted as a kind and gentle woman who is always trying to make everyone feel comfortable. She is a good listener and is empathetic to other people's needs. She is also shown to be quite perceptive, noticing things that other people miss.

  3. The narrator: The narrator is an unnamed character who is traveling on a ship with Mr. Kelada and his wife. He is initially put off by Mr. Kelada's arrogance and is skeptical of his stories. However, as the story progresses, the narrator's opinion of Mr. Kelada changes, and he comes to appreciate his wit and intelligence.

  4. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay's cabin-mate: This character is not named in the story, but he is portrayed as a quiet and reserved man who is uncomfortable with Mr. Kelada's constant talking. He is also shown to be quite judgmental, often making assumptions about people based on their appearance.

Overall, the characters in "Mr. Know-All" are well-drawn and multi-dimensional, with their personalities and actions driving the story forward. The story explores themes of cultural differences, prejudice, and the importance of keeping an open mind.

  1. Paul's mother - Greediness and Materialism: Paul's mother is a greedy and materialistic woman who is obsessed with wealth and status. She constantly complains about their financial situation and always wants more money. She is also emotionally distant from her children and does not show them any affection.

  2. Paul - Obsessive and Determined: Paul is a determined and obsessive young boy who is fixated on winning money for his mother. He is willing to do whatever it takes to win, even if it means sacrificing his own health and well-being. He is also sensitive and perceptive, as he is able to sense the winning horses.

  3. Uncle Oscar - Cynical and Practical: Uncle Oscar is a practical man who is skeptical of Paul's ability to predict the winning horses. He is also cynical about the value of wealth and material possessions, which is in contrast to Paul's mother.

  4. Paul's sisters - Naive and Innocent: Paul's sisters are young and innocent, and they are not aware of the family's financial troubles. They are also naive about their mother's behavior and do not understand why she is always unhappy.

Attentive and kind

The Swing

"The Swing" by Mary Gavell is a poignant story about an elderly woman who begins to experience vivid dreams after many years of being preoccupied with the responsibilities of life. With her son James grown and her husband Julius withdrawing into himself due to old age, she finds herself alone and reflective.

One night, she hears the familiar creak of an old swing in their yard, a swing her husband had lovingly installed for their son when he was a child. Initially, she thinks it's just the wind, but she eventually goes outside to investigate and discovers her son James, appearing as a child, joyfully swinging. They engage in heartfelt conversations reminiscent of their past, discussing various topics like airplanes, stars, and schoolyard troubles.

These nightly visits from young James bring her immense joy and a sense of purpose. However, one night, James tells her that he won't be able to visit anymore. She bravely accepts this, cherishing their final moments together. After he leaves, she breaks down in tears, overwhelmed by the reality of his departure.

Julius, her husband, finds her in the yard. Despite his usual demeanor, he gently points out that James left his red jacket behind, symbolizing the lasting presence of their son's memory. The story beautifully explores themes of memory, loss, and the enduring bond between a mother and her child.

"玛丽-盖维尔(Mary Gavell)的《秋千》是一个凄美的故事,讲述了一位老妇人在多年被生活的重担压得喘不过气来之后,开始做一些生动的梦。她的儿子詹姆斯已经长大成人,丈夫朱利叶斯也因年事已高而变得孤僻,她发现自己变得孤独而多愁善感。




Irony 讽刺

The chaser

the irony is that Alan is desperate for a love potion to manipulate Diana into loving him back, yet what he fails to recognize is that the potion will most likely make Diana obsessed with him. The old man predicts that Alan will soon find her obsession suffocating which is why the old man is sure Alan will also be needing the poison in the future.

The Lottery

The story is set in a small village where the annual lottery is about to take place. Villagers gather in the town square, chatting casually while children play. Mr. Summers, who organizes the community events, conducts the lottery with a black box that is old and worn, yet the villagers are resistant to replacing it. Each villager draws a slip of paper from the black box, and the person who draws a paper with a black spot is stoned to death. Old Man Warner, the oldest villager, fervently supports the lottery and criticizes those who question its necessity. Tessie Hutchinson becomes the "winner" of the lottery and is subsequently stoned to death by the villagers, including her own family. The story explores themes of blind adherence to tradition and the dark consequences that can result. The title "The Lottery" gives a misleading impression of a game of chance, but it is actually a violent ritual of sacrifice.

故事发生在一个小村庄,那里即将举行一年一度的抽签仪式。村民们聚集在镇广场上,一边闲聊,一边和孩子们玩耍。组织社区活动的萨默斯先生用一个又旧又破的黑盒子进行抽奖,但村民们都不愿意更换它。每个村民都会从黑盒子里抽出一张纸条,抽到有黑点的纸条的人就会被乱石砸死。最年长的村民华纳老人狂热地支持彩票,并批评那些质疑彩票必要性的人。泰西-哈钦森成了彩票的 "赢家",随后被村民用石头砸死,包括她自己的家人。故事探讨了盲目坚持传统的主题以及可能导致的黑暗后果。彩票》的标题给人一种机会游戏的误导印象,但它实际上是一种暴力的献祭仪式。

Conflict 冲突

The Phoenix

人与自然的冲突 There are two conflicts occurring in The Phoenix. One conflict is Man versus Self. Poldero has a greed for profit and goes to extremes to gain profits when the phoenix stops bringing him such. This leads into the second conflict, Man versus Nature.

Setting 设定,背景

The Garden Party


The Landlady






  1. Character - 人物
  2. Plot - 情节
  3. Narrative - 叙事
  4. Tone - 语调
  5. Mood - 氛围
  6. Symbolism - 象征
  7. Imagery - 意象
  8. Point of View (POV) - 视角
  9. Irony - 讽刺
  10. Allegory - 寓言
  11. Metaphor - 隐喻
  12. Simile - 明喻
  13. Allusion - 典故
  14. Juxtaposition - 并列
  15. Motif - 主旨
  16. Flashback - 倒叙
  17. Suspense - 悬念
  18. Dialogue - 对话
  19. Exposition - 阐述
  20. Climax - 高潮
  21. Resolution - 解决
  22. Protagonist - 主角
  23. Antagonist - 反派
  24. Dynamic Character - 动态人物
  25. Static Character - 静态人物
  26. Foil - 衬托角色
  27. Epiphany - 顿悟
  28. Understatement - 低调陈述
  29. Hyperbole - 夸张
  30. Theme Statement - 主题陈述
  31. Diction - 措辞
  32. Syntax - 句法
  33. Subplot - 次要情节
  34. Tone Shift - 语调转变
  35. Voice - 叙述声音
  36. Archetype - 原型
  37. Context - 上下文
  38. Denouement - 结局
  39. Setting Description - 场景描写
  40. Conflict Resolution - 冲突解决
  41. Narrative Technique - 叙事技巧
  42. Pathetic Fallacy - 移情
  43. Stream of Consciousness - 意识流
  44. Intertextuality - 互文性
  45. Ambiguity - 模棱两可
  46. Paradox - 悖论
  47. Onomatopoeia - 拟声词
  48. Personification - 拟人
  49. Oxymoron - 矛盾修饰法
  50. Genre - 体裁

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